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Lyrics Here I Go Playing Star Again

Photo Courtesy: Columbia Pictures/IMDb

No matter how much distance you put between the past and the nowadays, there e'er seems to be more than a few famous faces that resemble the iconic looks of the stars of yesteryear. From singers to actors to everything in between, there's plenty of similarities. In some cases, these similarities are more than only passing resemblances. Take a await.

Harry Styles and Mick Jagger

Sometime 1 Direction bandmember-turned-solo act Harry Styles and iconic Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger share a lot more in common than the simple fact that they're both famous for rocking in an all-male band. Despite being of absolutely no relation to one another, the two are quite similar-looking.

Photo Courtesy: Warner Bros./IMDb

Accept a close look at Harry Styles's wild pilus and chiseled looks. While he certainly sported a softer await during his One Management days, the solo star gets closer and closer to looking like Mick Jagger's long-lost son each passing twenty-four hours.

Katherine Heigl and Judy Garland

Renée Zellweger made history when she won the Academy Award for portraying The Wizard of Oz star Judy Garland in Judy, merely there'south some other actress out there who might've washed an even better job due to a closer resemblance. Information technology's Katherine Heigl, a woman who could definitely play a younger Garland with ease.

Photo Courtesy: United states of america Network, Warner Bros./IMDb

Outset emerging on the acting scene via ABC'south hit medical drama Grey'southward Anatomy, comparisons to a young Judy Garland started to sally as more and more people began to relish her performances in feature films.

Taraji P. Henson and Tammi Terrell

Due to the massive popularity and record-breaking viewership of Taraji P. Henson'south Fox television series Empire, it seems the extra has something of an empire herself. She's one of the most promising stars of today, but even she has plenty of similarities to a former celebrity from decades ago.

Photo Courtesy: Fox, Tomovox/IMDb

Tammi Terrell, to be specific. She earned her fame equally a Motown singer in the 60s, which only makes her resemblance to Taraji P. Henson more than impressive — after all, Empire's virtually music.

Lily Collins and Audrey Hepburn

Lily Collins is not royalty — unless y'all count being the daughter of chart-topping British musician Phil Collins as royalty, of course. This hasn't stopped people from comparing her to one of the most notable actresses in all of Hollywood history, though.

Photograph Courtesy: Amazon Studios, Paramount Pictures/IMDb

The more famous that Collins gets, the more people seem to notice her resemblance to Austrian superstar Audrey Hepburn. Still ane of the most instantly-recognizable actresses in all of film, comparisons to Hepburn should non be taken lightly past anyone, especially Lily Collins herself.

Ryan Gosling and James Stewart

When a handsome thespian as well has great comedic timing, he'southward likely to become far. Take Ryan Gosling, for example: Throughout his career, the player has managed to polish on screen whether he'due south working on a goofy comedy similar The Nice Guys or a serious drama similar Blueish Valentine.

Photo Courtesy: Universal Pictures, Paramount Pictures/IMDb

Gosling'south performances recall One-time Hollywood talent James Stewart for more reasons than just his versatility, though. While Stewart could also do a romantic comedy just as easily as a gripping drama, the ii also look quite like.

Jennifer Lawrence and Zubaida Tharwat

Despite the vast ocean, several countries, and many decades that separate the 2, American actress Jennifer Lawrence and Egyptian extra Zubaida Tharwat look similar they could exist sisters. Perhaps even identical ones, at that.

Photo Courtesy: Lionsgate, Ramses Naguib/IMDb

While Lawrence has fabricated a living from appearing in internationally distributed high-profile dramas and other movies, Tharwat had a somewhat more humble career. Many of her films remain inaccessible to Western audiences despite her relative fame in her home state of Egypt, while others are in desperate demand of restoration to bring them back to their initial glory.

Zac Efron and Leonard Whiting

Teen heartthrobs might seem like a dime a dozen these days, with internet influencers and immature actors all vying for the hearts of audiences. It can sometimes feel similar gild has hit a new level of boy craziness sometimes.

Photograph Courtesy: Walt Disney Pictures, Paramount Pictures/IMDb

Yet, the truth is that teen heartthrobs have always been in direct contest with ane another for as long as teens accept been going to the movies. Accept Zac Efron and Leonard Whiting, for instance. 2 stars from 2 different generations, nonetheless one classic look.

Debra Messing and Lucille Ball

In many instances of glory doppelgängers, the two people existence compared to one another don't really have all that much in common. On the flip side, in that location is the rare occasion where the ii lookalikes are practically the verbal same person with simply the decades separating them..

Photo Courtesy: NBC, MGM/IMDb

Take a look at these two popular redhead comedians, Debra Messing and Lucille Brawl. While their TV careers couldn't have been farther apart, Messing and Ball can't help but recollect the other whenever 1's on screen.

Drew Barrymore and Lionel Barrymore

Naturally, there was jump to be a pairing that really consists of real life relatives. However, different a female parent-girl or begetter-son duo that resemble one some other, Drew Barrymore and Lionel Barrymore have quite a lot of fourth dimension separating them and their respective careers.

Photo Courtesy: New Line Cinema, Columbia Pictures/IMDb

They aren't father-girl or even grandfather-granddaughter. You see, Lionel is Drew'southward great uncle. This is what makes their resemblance even stranger: despite their differing genders and vague relationship, the two members of the Barrymore clan take enough of facial similarities.

George Clooney and Cary Grant

George Clooney spent decades being referred to as Hollywood's most eligible bachelor until finding dear with his married woman, Amal. He's far from the commencement actor to take fans clamoring for his hand in marriage, though. Just look at his celebrity expect alike, Cary Grant. Married five times, Grant was not exactly a primary of relationships, either.

Photo Courtesy: Warner Bros., Paramount Pictures/IMDb

Information technology'southward funny that these two share such similar looks on tiptop of their comparable personal lives. Information technology just goes to prove that no affair how much filmmaking changes, at that place'due south always going to be a demand for a leading man with charm.

Gwen Stefani and Marilyn Monroe

Some stars accomplish such fame that it'south almost impossible to imagine e'er seeing their like over again. Sometimes, however, even those stars end upward with next-generation doppelgängers — even if they can't quite live upwardly to the original.

Photo Courtesy: Miramax, Twentieth Century Fox/IMDb

While both sport iconic blonde curls, there'due south no arguing that Marilyn Monroe has reached a college status over time than Gwen Stefani has. No affair how good or bad y'all discover her music, Monroe is a in one case-in-a-lifetime icon that tin can't be trumped by anyone, even past someone as talented every bit Stefani.

Christina Aguilera and Vivien Leigh

Much like Stefani and Monroe, Christina Aguilera and Vivien Leigh are too bonded across time. Aguilera is not a motion picture star at her cadre, and Leigh never reached Aguilera's music icon status, only their status as doppelgängers is indisputable.

Photograph Courtesy: Screen Gems, MGM/IMDb

It's all about the hair color, it seems. When Christina Aguilera is showing off her blond hair, information technology's harder to see the singer's resemblance to the brunette locks that Vivien Leigh and then famously sported.

Lindsay Lohan and Elizabeth Taylor

While the mind doesn't necessarily pair the controversial mod celebrity Lindsay Lohan and the Hollywood icon Elizabeth Taylor together without a fleck of prompting, there are actually plenty of similarities between the two that brand a comparing of both women all the more fascinating.

Photo Courtesy: Silver Screen Pictures, Twentieth Century Fox/IMDb

Starting time and foremost, both Lindsay Lohan and Elizabeth Taylor were all the rage when it came to celebrity gossip publications. No matter what they did or who they associated with, the tabloids just couldn't go enough of the personal inner workings of the two'south respective personal lives. And when Lohan starred every bit Taylor in the movie Liz and Dick, that resemblance became crystal clear.

Daniel Craig and Bing Crosby

Ane's a tap-dancing, musical-starring, charisma-oozing superstar from the Golden Age of Hollywood. The other's a sometimes-heart-searching, occasionally-comedic, extremely-talented British thespian who's managed to revitalize the James Bond serial for modern audiences.

Photo Courtesy: Sony Pictures Classics, Twentieth Century Fox/IMDb

If y'all haven't figured information technology out, these men are Bing Crosby and Daniel Craig. Their respective glory statuses are pretty different on newspaper, but comparing their looks shows that Hollywood likes a certain type of star no matter what year it is. With that existence said, it's pretty funny to imagine a earth where Bing Crosby plays James Bail.

Marker Ruffalo and Burt Reynolds

2 iconic men from 2 completely unlike eras, one existence former rom-com star and current Curiosity Studios hunk, Marker Ruffalo, and the other being arguably the most notable leading human being of all time, Burt Reynolds, aren't necessarily a pairing many would consider when thinking of celeb lookalikes.

Photo Courtesy: Marvel Studios, Paramount Pictures/IMDb

Check it out, though: both Ruffalo and Reynolds have a lot more in common than just a last name that starts with R. Looking at it on newspaper, both are huge action stars with comedic timing who also possess a real sense of charm, equally well. Maybe it would help to meet them both in mustaches.

Chloë Grace Moretz and Joan Fontaine

Two former child stars who somewhen managed to keep ahold of their stardom as they entered into adulthood, classic Hollywood star Joan Fontaine and Chloë Grace Moretz resemble one another more than you lot would think.

Photo Courtesy: GK Films, RKO Radio Pictures/IMDb

Both had a hard time adapting once they stopped getting shunted toward younger roles, but both inevitably prevailed every bit blonde-haired actresses with a special something to ready them apart from the contest. As such, it must exist said that both these two stars deserve far more praise than they typically receive.

Scott Eastwood and Clint Eastwood

While there are enough of male parent-son duos that actually end upwardly looking virtually identical, Scott Eastwood and Clint Eastwood stand apart fifty-fifty from that list. They are something to behold! A Western icon and a budding activity picture show lead, the Eastwoods seem to be cut from the same exact creative cloth.

Photo Courtesy: Open Road Films, Paramount Pictures/IMDb

Clint has gone down in history for starting out in B-movies before evolving into 1 of the most esteemed dramatic directors of today. It remains to be seen, nevertheless, if Eastwood's son Scott can transcend today's B-movies and alive upwardly to his dad.

Brad Pitt and Robert Redford

Because Robert Redford's long and well-known history as both an histrion and a film producer, it makes a weird sort of sense that his doppelgänger would chart a similar course. While he's been a beloved talent for decades now, Brad Pitt has just recently started to make a proper noun for himself every bit an Oscar-winning producer.

Photo Courtesy: Columbia Pictures, Universal Pictures/IMDb

The two could absolutely play father and son if non for Redford's retirement from interim. One thing's for certain, though: With Redford'southward career waning, there'south not even a single doubt that Pitt will continue to soar.

Michael Fassbender and Christopher Plummer

One'south German, the other's Canadian. Still, the resemblances between dramatic-actor-turned-Curiosity villain Michael Fassbender and longtime acting fable Christopher Plummer are impossible to be ignored once they've been pointed out to yous. Forget virtually Ian McKellen as one-time Magneto — Plummer could've been an even more perfect casting.

Photo Courtesy: Gilded Circle Films, Twentieth Century Trick/IMDb

While the 2 don't have much time left for a collaboration, there's a sliver of hope that the two A-listers might get i last chance to work together before it's too late. There's no denying that they could really deliver a doozy.

Maya Rudolph and Dorothy Dandridge

While one is a comedian first and the other is a gripping dramatic actress with a relatively short-lived career as an Old Hollywood star, the undisputable doppelgänger condition of Maya Rudolph and Dorothy Dandridge has to be addressed.

Photo Courtesy: Fox, Twentieth Century Fox/IMDb

Rudolph hails from Saturday Night Live, while Dandridge is all-time-known for her leading office in Otto Preminger's Carmen Jones, but with Rudolph'south occasional dramatic roles and Dandridge'southward fascinating life, in that location's immense potential for a biopic most the 20th century actress starring this hilarious sketch comedian.

P!nk and Kim Novak

What'south the difference between pop recording artist P!nk and classic leading lady Kim Novak? I sings Top xl hits, while the other starred in masterpieces from Alfred Hitchcock and Otto Preminger. In fact, the two are seemingly on contrary sides of the pop civilisation spectrum.

Photo Courtesy: P!NK, Columbia Pictures/IMDb

At that place's ane fundamental matter that unites them: their looks. While P!nk has been known to sport all kinds of different pilus colors, information technology's naturally blond and well-nigh e'er brusk like Novak's. Despite their unlike careers, they look nearly identical.

Natalie Dormer and Gene Tierney

With HBO'southward massively successful fantasy series Game of Thrones finally over (and a whole slew of spinoff series coming down the pipeline shortly plenty), many fans of the show are left wondering what star Natalie Dormer volition practice adjacent. If she takes later on her older lookalike, Cistron Tierney, the respond could lie in startling dramas from prestigious directors.

Photo Courtesy: HBO, Twentieth Century Fob/IMDb

Tierney is known for working with Alfred Hitchcock, Joseph L. Mankiewicz and many other landmark filmmakers. Perhaps Dormer could ane solar day be as lucky as that. Given her early success, it'south certainly possible.

Ansel Elgort and Marlon Brando

There are stark differences between the careers of upwards-and-coming actor Ansel Elgort and the legendary acting icon Marlon Brando. That doesn't hateful that their similar looks aren't worth looking into, though.

Photo Courtesy: Twentieth Century Fox, United Artists/IMDb

While Elgort struggles to land the perfect part, Brando seemed to take no problem cementing his legacy. Perhaps Elgort's close resemblance to the Oscar winner ways that he'southward got a promising future ahead of him, though. With the upcoming release of Steven Spielberg's West Side Story remake starring Elgort, comparisons to Brando will undoubtedly keep.

Robert Pattinson and Paul Newman

Robert Pattinson has been something of a misunderstood talent for many years now. After spending the starting time role of his career in franchise films similar Harry Potter and the Twilight saga, the young actor has settled into much smaller withal critically-acclaimed independent roles.

Photo Courtesy: Prospero Pictures, MGM/IMDb

His lookalike, 20th century superstar Paul Newman, never struggled with such things. He was a titan of the craft almost from the go-get. With Pattinson set to star in an upcoming Batman reboot, it's possible that the actor will finally accomplish Newman's heights.

Millie Bobby Dark-brown and Natalie Portman

Of all the actors, actresses, and singers that find themselves being compared to a recognizable talent from by years, it seems that Stranger Things star Millie Bobby Chocolate-brown and quondam kid star-turned-A-lister Natalie Portman might have the most in common.

Photo Courtesy: Netflix, Warner Bros./IMDb

Portman started out her career at a young age, just like Brown did. She went on to exist a teenage star and now remains one of the most sought-after names in the industry. If Dark-brown is lucky enough, this fate could await her too.

Saoirse Ronan and Meryl Streep

Saoirse Ronan and Meryl Streep are a set of lookalikes who accept actually gotten the adventure to work together before, near recently in 2022 with Greta Gerwig's reimagining of Little Women. The two share more than simply looks and roles, though.

Photograph Courtesy: BBC Films, Universal Pictures/IMDb

Streep has long been considered i of the all-time actresses of all time. She'southward practically nominated annually. Yet, despite being in her mid-20s, Ronan is already giving Streep a run for her money. She'south the most decorated actress for her historic period, and she'due south showing no signs of slowing downwards.

Margot Robbie and Jamie Pressly

It's not often that you lot see ii actresses who expect then like reach stardom in such close vicinity to one another. For Margot Robbie and Jaime Pressly, the comparisons take been ceaseless since the former burst onto the scene in the early 2010s.

Photograph Courtesy: Warner Bros., Fox/IMDb

Pressly has been a big proper name in popular films since the 90s, so she definitely has seniority here. However, Robbie seems to be afterwards much more serious roles than Pressly, who has long prided herself on comedies and TV sitcoms more than the dramas Robbie seeks out.

Cole Sprouse and Leonardo DiCaprio

When Cole Sprouse first appeared in Adam Sandler's seminal crowd-pleaser Big Daddy, it's non likely that people would've guessed that he'd still be relevant more than 2 decades later. That's the reality for this Sprouse twin, though.

Photo Courtesy: CBS, Paramount Pictures/IMDb

While Big Daddy was filming, Leonardo DiCaprio was continuing to climb the ladder of success. Today, the two doppelgängers are heartthrobs in their ain rights, as drawing the attention of fans both immature and old. If anyone needs a young Leo or an old Cole, they know where to look.

Sebastian Stan and Mark Hamill

Marvel villain turned Avengers hero Sebastian Stan and Star Wars breakout Mark Hamill are on somewhat like career trajectories at this point. Both rose to immense fame after living life as unknown talents, and the actors each owe their big breaks to a major franchise.

Photograph Courtesy: Paramount Pictures, Lucasfilm/IMDb

While Hamill struggled to score roles after the conclusion of the original Star Wars trilogy, Stan seems to have no problem branching out from his superhero origins. It's okay, though — Hamill has enjoyed decades of voicework and at present finds himself in new roles in his later years.

James Franco and James Dean

James Franco and James Dean are two intense and gifted actors who were built-in decades autonomously. Withal, despite this fact, they maintain an uncanny resemblance to each other.

Photo Courtesy: TNT, Warner Bros./IMDb

Franco's comparisons to Dean began right around the fourth dimension he offset debuted on the acting scene in the late 90s. His pilus even retains Dean'south sandy color and when he's placed in a retro-'50'due south setting. Luckily, someone did only that by having Franco star as the lead in James Dean, a film near the titular actor's brief life.


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